
  • Grzegorz Kopij Department of Integrated Environmental Science, University of Namibia, OgongoCampus, Private Bag 1096, Oshakati, Namibia
  • Mark Paxton Shamvura Camp, KavangoEast Region, Namibia




Lepidoptera, check-list, biodiversity, distribution, moths, Kavango region


In total, 37 moth and 112 butterfly species from seven and five families, respectively, have been identified in the Okavango River Valley, Kavango Region, northern Namibia. The family Nymphalidae was by far the most speciose (32 recorded species), followed by Lycaenidae (19 spp.), Pieridae (16 spp.), Sphingidae (13 spp.) and Saturniidae (9 spp.). For each species listed, the date and the site of collection is given, together with data on its global distribution. There are 11 taxa recorded in Namibia for the first time: Eurema regularis (Pieridae); 6 taxa from the family Lycaenidae (Lachnocnema brimo, Iolaus lalos lalos, Hypolycaena caeculus caeculus, H. c. c. forma dolores, Anthene sheppardi and Leptotes brevidentatus) and four species from the family Nymphalidae (Charaxes varanes, Neptis serena, Sevenia rosa and Eurytela drope).


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How to Cite

LEPIDOPTERA FAUNA OF NAMIBIA II: OKAVANGO RIVER VALLEY, KAVANGO REGION. (2019). Acta Entomologica Serbica, 24(1), 19-40. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2671797

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