
  • Andjeljko Petrović University of Belgrade,Faculty of Biology,Institute of Zoology
  • Željko Tomanović University of Belgrade,Faculty of Biology,Institute of Zoology
  • Mar Ferrer-Suay C/ Aben al abbar, nim.6, pta. 35, 46021 Valencia, Spain



Alloxysta, Phaenoglyphis, hyperparasitoids, parasitoids, aphids


The distribution and trophic interactions of aphid associated Charipinae of Serbia are presented. In total, 77 different trophic associations (plant-aphid-primary parasitoid-hyperparasitoid) have been reported. Four Charipinae species are recorded for the first time from Serbia: Alloxysta citripes (Thomson, 1862), Alloxysta mullensis (Cameron, 1883), Alloxysta pusilla (Kieffer, 1902), and Alloxysta sawoniewiczi (Kierych, 1988).


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