



distribution, faunistics, first records, introduced species, non-native species


A Mediterranean synanthropic spider species, Zoropsis spinimana (Dufour, 1820), was recently found in Belgrade and recorded as a new member of Serbian fauna. Several individuals of both sexes and juveniles were caught or observed. Pregnant females and their cocoons were also observed. According to our findings, this spider has established a small population in the city. Considering that this species has been recognized as a successful colonizer and could be identified by the general public, the first “Citizen Science” approach in Serbia was applied. An invitation to participate was made via social media. The manuscript includes photos contributed from other parts of the country. This confirmed our suspicion that Z. spinimana is to be found in more than one place in Serbia, which requires further investigation. This paper aims to report this species as a new member of the national and synanthropic fauna and to present the benefit of using “Citizen Science” data.


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How to Cite

A NEW RESIDENT OF BELGRADE (SERBIA), THE MEDITERRANEAN SPIDER ZOROPSIS SPINIMANA (DUFOUR, 1820). (2023). Acta Entomologica Serbica, 28(2), 103-111. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10424284