
  • LJILJANA PROTIĆ Natural History Museum in Belgrade, Njegoševa 51, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia


Genus Geocoris is represented in Serbia by nine species: Geocoris (Geocoris) arenarius (Jakovlev), Geocoris (Geocoris) ater (Fabricius), Geocoris (Geocoris) dispar (Waga), Geocoris (Geocoris) grylloides Linnaeus, Geocoris (Geocoris) lapponicus (Zetterstedt), Geocoris (Geocoris) lineola (Rambur), Geocoris (Geocoris) megacephalus (Rossi), Geocoris (Geocoris) pallidipennis (Costa) and Geocoris (Piocoris) erythrocephalus (Lepeletier & Serville). Geocoris (Geocoris) pallidipennis (Costa) is a new species for the fauna of Serbia.


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