Structural development of child's artistic expression


  • Sanja Filipović Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade
  • Milica Vojvodić Elementary school "Jovan Dučić", Petrovaradin



Structural development implies control and capability of the expression usage in terms of independent creative expression and making. Understanding of structural development of child's artistic expression as a phenomenon (which is suitable to child's age) has some implications on methodical acts considering the artistic education of children and youngsters. Therefore, it is of unexceptional importance to know these laws as well as methodical acts which encourage the structural development of artistic capabilities from an early age. Various experts dealt with this phenomenon, particularly Bogomil Karlavaris. In his methodical research, he has given an unexceptional part to this problem. It has been a starting point for analysis of certain methodical questions which are included in this work.


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How to Cite

Structural development of child’s artistic expression. (2017). Journal of Subject Didactics, 1(2), 119-126.