An Analysis of Students’ Drawings for the Purpose of Considering the Efficiency of Teamwork (Programme Content: Marine Life Community)


  • Jelena D. Dimitrijević University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology
  • Sanja Filipović University of Arts in Belgrade - Faculty of fine arts;
  • Jelena D. Stanisavljević University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology



In this paper, a comparison is made between the levels of efficiency achieved when applying team teaching vs. conventional expository teaching, in the framework of the teaching unit “Marine Life Community”, involving the students of the sixth grade of “Dvadeseti oktobar” elementary school in Belgrade. In order to accomplish the tasks of this paper, a model of a pedagogical experiment with parallel groups [experimental (E) and control (C)] was applied, involving 100 students.
The aim was to identify and measure the differences and compare the efficiency of these two teaching approaches through an analysis of students’ drawings.
Group E was presented the course content through teaching instruction, which included the presentation of an educational film, after which the students were shown printed photos. In group E the biology teacher presented the characteristics of sea-living communities, and the art teacher presented the distribution, different shapes and colours of marine organisms. Group C was presented the same content through traditional teaching methods: oral presentations, illustrations and demonstrations.
The results of our research show that the students who participated in team teaching demonstrated better drawings according to the number and variety of marine organisms.
The results of our study reflect the greater productivity of the students and the higher degree of motivation and activity.
These results are based on the application of a great number of visual teaching technologies in the didactic model of team teaching.

Author Biographies

  • Jelena D. Dimitrijević, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology
    biology student
  • Sanja Filipović, University of Arts in Belgrade - Faculty of fine arts;
    Assistent Professor
  • Jelena D. Stanisavljević, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology

    Associate Professor


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How to Cite

An Analysis of Students’ Drawings for the Purpose of Considering the Efficiency of Teamwork (Programme Content: Marine Life Community). (2016). Journal of Subject Didactics, 1(1), 25-38.