Evaluation of Cognitive Complexity of Tasks for the Topic Hydrogen Exponent in the Solutions of Acids and Bases


  • Saša Horvat University of Novi Sad Faculty of sciences Department of chemistry, biochemistry and environmental protection
  • Dušica D. Rodić University of Novi Sad Faculty of sciences Department of chemistry, biochemistry and environmental protection
  • Mirjana D. Segedinac University of Novi Sad Faculty of sciences Department of chemistry, biochemistry and environmental protection
  • Tamara N. Rončević University of Novi Sad Faculty of sciences Department of chemistry, biochemistry and environmental protection




The aim of this study was evaluation of cognitive complexity of tasks for the topic hydrogen exponent in the solutions of acids and bases and its validation. The created procedure included an assessment of the difficulty of concepts and an assessment of their interactivity. There were 48 freshmen students enrolled in the study program Basic academic studies in chemistry. As a research instrument for assessing performance, test of knowledge was specifically constructed for this research. Each task in the test was followed by a seven-point Likert scale for the evaluation of invested mental effort. The evaluation of cognitive complexity was confirmed by a series of linear regression analysis where high values of correlation coefficients are obtained among the examined variables: student’s performance and invested mental effort (dependent variables) and cognitive complexity (independent variable).


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How to Cite

Evaluation of Cognitive Complexity of Tasks for the Topic Hydrogen Exponent in the Solutions of Acids and Bases. (2018). Journal of Subject Didactics, 2(1), 33-45. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1238972