The Application of Context-Based Teaching in the Realization of the Program Content “The Decline of Pollinators”




This paper analyzes the efficiency of context-based teaching in the realization of the program content: "The Decline of Pollinators." The aim of context-based biology teaching is to connect biology contents with everyday life. The application of knowledge in everyday situations is encouraged so as to develop the skills that deepen one’s knowledge and make it less abstract.
The task of the experimental study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of context-based teaching vs. conventional expository teaching in the implementation of the teaching content. In order to accomplish the tasks of this paper, a model of a pedagogical experiment with parallel groups [experimental (E) and control (C)] was applied. The teaching content „The Decline of Pollinators" was presented to Group E by using a text based on newspaper articles and the real-life context provided by those articles. In Group C, the same content was presented through conventional expository instruction, which is the traditional lecturing model. The results showed a statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the number of points scored in the post-test evaluation of knowledge. The difference was observed based on individual ranks and a test as a whole, in favour of the experimental group. In terms of the quantity and quality of knowledge acquired by the students in the tested teaching field, the experimental didactic model of context-based teaching proved to be more effective.

Author Biographies

  • Jelena D. Stanisavljević, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology

    Associate Professor

  • Milica G. Pejčić, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology
    MSc Biology Student
  • Ljubiša Ž. Stanisavljević, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology

    Associate Professor


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How to Cite

The Application of Context-Based Teaching in the Realization of the Program Content “The Decline of Pollinators”. (2016). Journal of Subject Didactics, 1(1), 51-63.