
  • Miloš Popović HabiProt, Bulevar Oslobođenja 106/34, 11040 Beograd
  • Đorđe Radevski HabiProt, Bulevar Oslobođenja 106/34, 11040 Beograd
  • Miroslav Miljević HabiProt, Bulevar Oslobođenja 106/34, 11040 Beograd
  • Milan Đurić HabiProt, Bulevar Oslobođenja 106/34, 11040 Beograd


Pyrgus cinarae (Rambur, 1839) is currently known from eastern Spain, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Russia. At the end of June and beginning of July 2014 it was recorded in Serbia for the first time, expanding its known area of distribution in the Balkan Peninsula northwards. These records point out that southern Serbia may include several additional Mediterranean and Submediterranean species, and call for more systematic study and protection of butterflies in the region. The list of butterfly species recorded in Serbia has increased to a total of 199.


CRNOBRNJA-ISAILOVIĆ, J. & ALEKSIĆ, I., 1999. First record of Coluber najadum Eichwald (1831) in Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade, 51: 47-48.

CRNOBRNJA-ISAILOVIĆ, J., AJTIĆ, R. & TOMOVIĆ, LJ., 2004. Contribution to Batrachofauna and Herpetofauna of Pčinja River in the Southern Serbia. First Symposium of Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro. Book of Abstracts, p. 72.

DINCĂ, V., KOLEV, Z. & VEROVNIK, R. 2010. The distribution, ecology and conservation status of the Spinose Skipper Muschampia cribrellum (Eversmann, 1841) at the western limit of its range in Europe (Hesperiidae). Nota lepidopterologica, 33(1): 39-57.

ĐURĐEVIĆ, A. & ĐURIĆ, M., 2011. Blepisanis vittipennis (Reiche 1877) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a new longhorn beetle for Serbia, Biologica Nyssana, 2(2): 49-50.

GASCOIGNE-PEES, M., VEROVNIK, R., WISKIN, C., LUCKENS, C. & ĐURIĆ, M., 2012. Notes on the lifecycle of Melitaea arduinna (Esper, 1783) (“Freyer’s Fritillary”) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) with further records from SE Serbia. Nachrichten des entomologischen Vereins Apollo, 33(1): 9–14.

MILJEVIĆ, M. & POPOVIĆ, M., 2014. Alciphron database on insects of Serbia: Lepidoptera, Papilionidae. HabiProt, Belgrade. Last visited on December 4th, 2014.

HAAHTELA, T., SAARINEN, K., OJALAINEN, P., AARNIO, H., 2011. Butterflies of Britain and Europe, A & C Black, London. 384pp.

JAKŠIĆ, P. (ed.) 2008. Prime Butterfly Areas: A tool for nature conservation in Serbia, HabiProt, 223 pp.

JAKŠIĆ, P., VAN SWAAY C. & ĐURIĆ, M. 2007. Boloria eunomia (Esper, 1799): a new species for Serbia (Nymphalidae). Nota lepidopterologica, 30: 64-70.

POPOVIĆ, M. & MILENKOVIĆ, M. 2012. – First record of Anthocharis gruneri for Serbia (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Phegea, 40(1b):37-38.

POPOVIĆ, M., ĐURIĆ, M., FRANETA, F., VAN DEIJK, J.R., VERMEER, R. 2014a. First records of Lycaena helle butterfly for the Balkans (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 42(166): 287-294.

POPOVIĆ, M., RADAKOVIĆ, M., ĐURĐEVIĆ, A., FRANETA, F., & VEROVNIK, R. 2014b. Distribution and threats of Phengaris teleius (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Northern Serbia. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 60(2): 173-183.

PUZOVIĆ, S., SEKULIĆ, S., STOJNIĆ, N., GRUBAČ, B. & TUCAKOV, M. 2009. Important bird areas in Serbia - IBA. Ministarstvo životne sredine i prostornog planiranja - Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije - Pokrajinski sekretarijat za zaštitu životne sredine i održivi razvoj - Liga za Ornitološku Akciju Srbije. [in Serbian, with English s.]

RADIŠIĆ, D., SPREMO, N., ŠĆIBAN, M., RISTIĆ, N. & GRBIĆ, Z. 2009. Summer aspect of ornithofauna of Pčinja river valley. In: Anonymous (ed.): Zbornik radova naučnog skupa „EkoBioMorfa“, Naučno-istraživačko društvo studenata biologije „Josif Pančić“, Novi Sad, pp.: 26–39. [in Serbian]

RALEV, A., POPOVIĆ, M., RUŽIĆ, M., SHURULINKOV, P., DASKALOVA, G., SPASOV, L. & CRNOBRNJA-ISAILOVIĆ, J., 2013. A new record of Testudo graeca ibera PALLAS, 1814, in southern Serbia. Herpetozoa, 25: 151-153.

RAPHAEL, M.G. & MOLINA, R. (eds.), 2007. Conservation of rare or little-known species: biological, social, and economic considerations. Island Press, 392 pp.

RISTIĆ, N., TOMOVIĆ, LJ., AJTIĆ, R. & CRNOBRNJA-ISAILOVIĆ, J., 2006. First record of the four-lined snake Elaphe quatuorlineata (Lacépède, 1789) in Serbia. Acta Herpetologica, 1(2): 135-139.

RUŽIĆ, M., RADIŠIĆ, D., POPOVIĆ, M. & RALEV, A., 2012. Breeding of Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius in Pčinja River Valley. Ciconia, 21: 50-53.

RUŽIĆ, M., SHURULINKOV, P., DASKALOVA, G., RALEV, A., SPASOV, L. & POPOVIĆ, M., 2011. Semi-collared Flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata – a new breeding species in Serbia. Ciconia, 20: 72–76.

SODHI, N.S. & EHRLICH, P.R. (eds.), 2010. Conservation biology for all. Oxford University Press, 344 pp.

TOLMAN, T., & LEWINGTON, R., 2008. Collins butterfly guide: The most complete guide to the butterflies of Britain and Europe. Harper Collins Publishers, London, 384 pp.

TOMOVIĆ, LJ., AJTIĆ, R., ĐOKOVIĆ, Đ. & ANTIĆ, S., 2004. Records of Testudo graeca ibera Pallas, 1814 in Serbia and Montenegro. Herpetozoa, 17: 189-191.

TSHIKOLOVETS, V., 2011. Butterflies of Europe & the Mediterranean area, Tshikolovets Publications, Pardubice. 544 pp.

VAN SWAAY, C., MAES, D., COLLINS, S., MUNGUIRA, M.L., ŠAŠIĆ, M., SETTELE, J., VEROVNIK, R., WARREN, M., WIEMERS, M., WYNHOFF, I. & CUTTELOD, A., 2011. Applying IUCN criteria to invertebrates: How red is the Red List of European butterflies? Biological Conservation, 144: 470-478.

ZLATKOVIĆ, B., 2011. Flora and phytogeographic affiliation of Pčinja river valley in southeast Serbia. PhD Thesis (manusc.), University in Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Belgrade, 401 pp. [in Serbian, with English s.]







How to Cite

FIRST RECORD OF PYRGUS CINARAE (LEPIDOPTERA: HESPERIIDAE) IN SERBIA. (2014). Acta Entomologica Serbica, 19(1/2), 45-51.