Water bugs (Heteroptera) in the catchment area of River Sitnica (Serbia)


  • Ljiljana Protić Natural History Museum, Njegoševa 51, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Nebojša Živić University in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Serbia


This paper includes the first study of the distribution of Heteroptera in the ecologically highly threatened catchment area of Sitnica River. It is the only recipient for large amounts of waste water which alter its ecological characteristics. There were 12 species of aquatic and semiaquatic bugs recorded in 88 samples: Nepa cinerea Linnaeus, Corixa punctata (Illiger), Sigara (Pseudovermicorixa) nigrolineata (Fieber), Sigara (Retrocorixa) limitata (Fieber), Sigara (Sigara) striata (Linnaeus), Sigara (Subsigara) iactans Jansson, Sigara (Vermicorixa) lateralis (Leach), Notonecta (Notonecta) glauca Linnaeus, Notonecta (Notonecta) viridis Delcourt, Aphelocheirus (Aphelocheirus) aestivalis (Fabricius), Mesovelia furcata Mulsant & Rey, Velia (Plesiovelia) caprai Tamanini. Sigara (Subsigara) iactans is a new species for Serbian fauna. Among the collected specimens three species stood out: Sigara (Sigara) striata, Sigara (Subsigara) iactans and Aphelocheirus (Aphelocheirus) aestivalis.This paper includes the first study of the distribution of Heteroptera in the ecologically highly threatened catchment area of Sitnica River. It is the only recipient for large amounts of waste water which alter its ecological characteristics. There were 12 species of aquatic and semiaquatic bugs recorded in 88 samples: Nepa cinerea Linnaeus, Corixa punctata (Illiger), Sigara (Pseudovermicorixa) nigrolineata (Fieber), Sigara (Retrocorixa) limitata (Fieber), Sigara (Sigara) striata (Linnaeus), Sigara (Subsigara) iactans Jansson, Sigara (Vermicorixa) lateralis (Leach), Notonecta (Notonecta) glauca Linnaeus, Notonecta (Notonecta) viridis Delcourt, Aphelocheirus (Aphelocheirus) aestivalis (Fabricius), Mesovelia furcata Mulsant & Rey, Velia (Plesiovelia) caprai Tamanini. Sigara (Subsigara) iactans is a new species for Serbian fauna. Among the collected specimens three species stood out: Sigara (Sigara) striata, Sigara (Subsigara) iactans and Aphelocheirus (Aphelocheirus) aestivalis.


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How to Cite

Water bugs (Heteroptera) in the catchment area of River Sitnica (Serbia). (2012). Acta Entomologica Serbica, 17(1/2), 29-37.

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