
  • JÁN KOLLÁR Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Horticulture and Landscape Engineering Faculty, Tulipánová 7, 949 01 Nitra, Slovak Republic


The research was carried out in Slovakia from 2004-2008, in a city park area in Nitra. The research was oriented to gallforming insects and mites on ornamental woody plants in an urban environment. A visual control of woody plants in the terrain was done, and an individual species was determined according mainly to collected samples of symptoms. In total 122 species of gall-forming insect and mites species were identified and recorded, specifically, 91 species of insects and 31 species of mites (Eriophyidae, Phytoptidae). Thirteen alien insects were also found during the research. The most frequented host plants for gall-inducing organisms were genera Quercus (28 species), Acer (10 species), Salix (10 species), Populus (9 species) and Tilia (8 species).


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