True bugs (Heteroptera) of the Stara Planina mountain: Serbia


  • Jelena Šeat Kralja Petra I 63, 25282 Gakovo, Serbia


During summer 2011 and spring 2012 true bug specimens (Heteroptera, Insecta) were collected in the Stara planina Mountain area, at the sites of Jabučko ravnište and the surroundings of Temska village. Nine hundred and ninety-seven specimens were collected and the presence of 176 species from 25 families was confirmed. The most significant discovery was the finding of the species Velia (Plesiovelia) serbica Tamanini, 1951 in Temska village, which is the first record for Serbia of this species endemic to the Balkans. New species found for the fauna of Serbia are Heterocordylus (Heterocordylus) parvulus Reuter, 1881, Berytinus (Lizinus) crassipes (Herrich-Schäffer, 1835), Tropidophlebia costalis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1850) and Drymus (Drymus) pilicornis (Mulsant & Rey, 1852). Also highly significant are the findings of the rare species Closterotomus reuteri (Horvath, 1882) and Elasmucha fieberi (Jakovlev, 1865), as well as a dozen relict species. Analysis of the bug fauna of Stara planina Mt. shows that 9% of fauna are classified as species of high conservation priority.


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How to Cite

True bugs (Heteroptera) of the Stara Planina mountain: Serbia. (2013). Acta Entomologica Serbica, 18(1/2), 17-41.