
  • Jelena Šeat Kralja Petra I 63, 25282 Gakovo, Serbia


During the summer season in July  2006, 2007 and 2008 expeditions in the valley of the Pčinja River were carried out. During these expeditions 339 specimens of true bugs (Heteroptera) were collected from 7 different localities: Vogance, Jablanica, Budovija, Gornji Starac, Delinovica, Kozjak and Čivcije. 80 species from 22 families were identified. The majority of these species present two biomes: Mediterranean mountain pastures and forests of rocky grounds and European steppes with diverse grasses. The true bug’s mixed continental-Mediterranean fauna structure in the valley of the Pčinja River is a result of the specific climate conditions of that area. Paraparomius leptopoides (Bärensprung, 1859) is a new species for Serbian fauna.


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AUKEMA, B. & RIEGER, CH., 2006. Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palearctic Region 5. Netherland Entomological Society, Amsterdam, 550 pp.

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PROTIĆ, LJ., 1998. Catalogue of the Heteroptera fauna of Yugoslav countries, Part one. Natural History Museum, Belgrade. Special issue, 38: 1-215.

PROTIĆ, LJ., 2001a. Catalogue of the Heteroptera fauna of Yugoslav countries, Part two. Natural History Museum, Belgrade. Special issue 39: 1-272.

PROTIĆ, LJ., 2001b. Distribution of the Heteroptera in Various Biomes of Serbia. Acta entomologica Serbica, 6 (1/2): 1-24.

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How to Cite

TRUE BUGS (HETEROPTERA) OF PČINJA VALLEY (SERBIA). (2011). Acta Entomologica Serbica, 16(1/2), 9-24.